Launch of our Backpack Cinema
Two years of pedaling and several field trips to Africa has produced our Backpack Cinema, the smallest human powered cinema in the world. It uses the energy from just one person to show films to hundreds in the remotest parts of the world.
Why use a Backpack Cinema?
The moving image is known to be one of the most powerful means of communication and as well as being entertaining and engaging it is an extremely effective way to get information across, particularly in areas where literacy rate is low. But screening films can be problematic in remote areas which have no electricity or access to fuel to power a generator.
What are the benefits?
- Easily powered by just one person
- Lightweight and easily transported by a two person team
- Minutes to set up
- Uses high grade sound and video components
- The A-Frame Generator can be broken down for ease of transportation.
- Can also be used to charge laptops or phones
- Uses a super efficient Ultra Capacitor, so no batteries to change... ever.
We had chance to test the Backpack cinema back in June 2013 in Malawi, Africa. Working on behalf of Purple Field Productions, we accompanied staff from the NGO Tewma to some of the remotest villages in Usisya using the Backpack cinema to show humanitarian films. It was an amazing experience.
Jo Hook, UK Director & Co-Founder of Temwa said 'Temwa works in exceptionally hard to reach communities. We use film as a powerful medium in order to inform on essential messages on HIV & AIDS, as well as conservation and sustainable agriculture. The Backpack Cinema has dramatically changed how Temwa can operate as we no longer need to lug TV's, generators, fuel, etc to the field. The Backpack Cinema makes this part of our work so much easier, therefore enabling us to reach more communities and expand our work.'