Friday late at the V&A Museum: Eat, Ride, Sleep, Repeat


Friday Late at V&A is a chance to explore the current and latest exhibitions and experience the fun and excitement of live and interactive events based around it. This month's Friday Late was all about the bicycle not just being a method of transport, but to many - a way of life. We took our small bicycle powered cinema and showed three very cool films.

Cool Unicorn Bruv was written and directed by Ninian Doff, and the story centers on a guy trying to sell his bike to a potential customer when another guy with a cool Unicorn shows up and steels his thunder.

Guillaume Blanchet of Montreal is The Man Who Lived on His Bike. He loves his bike so much, that he lived on it for over a year. His dad is 64 and has logged over 75,000 miles on a bike himself.

A professional display of No Handed Bike Moves* performed to "Golden Tree" by Martin Brooks and directed by Ninian Doff which does exactly what it says on the tin.


There was so much going on from Look Mum no Hands proving that cycling and coffee are inextricably linked. Amazing drawing made by ... yes coffee!


We met Adam from Boneshaker Magazine. What an amazing publication, great writing and beautifully illutrated. They had some of their artwork on show.

Outside feature Battleground - One Wheel Motion bike crew demonstrate their flatland BMX moves and tricks in a two team performance of skill.


And much much more.....