Our X-Bike Generator is designed to be permanently installed in either an indoor or outdoor environment. The seat can be adjusted to suit both children and adults.
- Rugged build with a heavy steel frame
- Produces unregulated DC electricity
- Provides a maximum of 400 watts
- Average power output over a period of time is usually around 50-80 watts per person
- Uses a lockable, extremely robust and reliable power connector
- Supplied with either a base plate or ground anchors
- Appliances: It is ideal for low power appliances like laptops, music, lighting and phone charging
- AC: Mains appliances can be powered when combined with our Mini Power Station
- Battery Bank: Unregulated output can be used for charging a suitable battery or battery bank
- Education: The different power requirements of devices can be felt immediately by user. Great for illustrating power demands and the energy required to power different devices
- Competition: If used in conjunction with the Power Monitor it provides a competitive element to any event
- Schools: Perfect for a school outdoor classroom
- Please get in touch for a quote or more information.
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