Yorkshire Festival of Cycling: Tour de France Cycle cinemaElectric Pedals10 July 2014BICYCLE, Big Bicycle Cinema, Tour de France, Harewood House
Backpack Cinema: Supporting the Plight of the Orangutan Cycle cinemaElectric Pedals16 April 2014Ape Alliance, Great Apes Film Initiative, Orangutan, Kalimantan, Indonesia
'At the End of Everything Else' at the Unicorn Theatre, London Art Installation, Bicycle Generator, Bike Generator, Cycle cinema, Pedal Power, TheatreElectric Pedals21 January 2014Theatre
Cycling to Make Hackney Sparkle! Bicycle Generator, Cycle cinema, Pedal Power, Power CinemaElectric Pedals21 December 2013Big Bicycle Cinema, Pedals Cinema
Friday late at the V&A Museum: Eat, Ride, Sleep, Repeat Bicycle Generator, Cycle cinema, Field Cinema, Green Cinema, Green Power, Pedal Power, Power CinemaElectric Pedals31 March 2013